Project 01

Girls Who Code:
3rd-12th Grade Clubs

Girls Who Code is an international nonprofit leading the movement to close the gender gap in technology. Girls Who Code Clubs are free programs for 3rd-12th grade students of all genders to learn the computer science skills they need to pursue 21st century opportunities and join a global sisterhood of supportive peers and role models using tech to change the world.


Get community stakeholders and prospective volunteers excited and educated about Girls Who Code Clubs to collect 6,500+ application submissions by the end of March 2023.


  • Leverage quantitative and qualitative data to identify program selling points and build messaging highlighting beloved program features to diverse stakeholders.

  • Partner with marketing and communications team members to plan and implement program-specific social media content.

  • Define and segment target audiences to deliver tailored messaging, increase brand and program awareness, and drive application submissions.

  • Refresh webinar strategy and create evergreen content demonstrating program benefits and impact.

  • Leverage targeted incentives to encourage application submissions.


  • Messaging and style guide providing core messaging, key program talking points, and template copy.

  • Content calendar.

  • Email marketing campaigns.

  • Virtual events curated to a diverse national audience, including designed webinar decks and scripts.

  • Digital content and marketing copy.

  • Training materials, workshops, and guidance for cross-functional team members.

  • On-going data collection and analyses to validate content strategy or inform strategic pivots.


Girls Who Code exceeded its 2022-23 Clubs recruiting goal with over 6,800 Clubs applications submitted, 104% of our target. This includes over 4,300 brand-new Clubs, 108% of our target for net-new sign-ups. These numbers represent the largest number of Clubs applications since 2019 (pre-COVID) and the second-largest number in the program's history.

Project Work Samples

Program Messaging Guide

Illustrative Table of Contents

Clubs Content Calendar


Email Campaign Content


Clubs Program Flyer

Front Side

Clubs Program Flyer

Back Side

Regional Outreach Coordinator Contact Flyer

Front Side

Regional Outreach Coordinator Contact Flyer

Back Side

Social Media Content


Webinar Deck & Presentation Content



Summer Programs